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Biosecurity COVID-19 Marshal Course
What is a COVID Marshal? (2:01)
Our Training and Assessment Strategy
Module 1
In this module - COVID-19, What is it all about?
Brief history of Covid-19
What is Covid-19?
How Covid-19 is spread and what the symptoms are (1:45)
How long can Covid-19 survive on surfaces? (1:19)
Who is most at risk? (2:05)
Links and references
Module 1 Recap
Module 1 Assessment
Module 2
In this module - The Australian Health Response System
Why are we required to manage COVID-19? (2:06)
Managing COVID-19 at workplaces
National, State and Territory Health responses to protect Australians (3:22)
Australian Federal Government Responses: (3:21)
Australian State and Territory Responses:
Australian Capital Territory:
New South Wales:
Northern Territory:
South Australia:
Western Australia:
Links and References
Module 2 Assessment
Module 3
In this module - Risk Management
Workplace health & safety in Australia – A brief history
Common and Statute Law
Model Work Health & Safety Act (3:53)
Roles within Work Health & Safety Act
Risk Management
Step 1 - Identifying Hazards
Step 2 – Assessing risks
Step 3 - Controlling Risks
Reviewing and Monitoring controls
Scenario: Dave’s COVID dilemma
Links and References
Module 3 Recap
Module 3 Assessment
Module 4
In this module - Infection Control
What is infection control?
Standard precautions - Training (1:54)
Standard precautions - Hand Hygiene
Standard precautions - Respiratory Hygiene
Standard precautions - Cleaning and disinfection (1:48)
Standard precautions - Laundry Management
Standard precautions - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (6:41)
Facilities, equipment and waste
Responsibilities for individuals and PCBUs for infection control
Creating a Shooting Bubble
Managing vaccination refusal/non-disclosure
Record Keeping
Links and References
Module 4 Assessment
Module 5
In this module - Infection Control - Additional Precautions
Additional precautions - Pre-screening (2:39)
Additional precautions - Managing exclusions
Additional precautions - Social distancing
Additional precautions - Deep cleaning
Additional precautions - Additional PPE (2:28)
Additional precautions - Signage for COVID-19
Links and References
Module 5 Assessment
Module 6
In this module - COVID Marshals
COVID Safe Plans (2:18)
Monitoring and Reviewing COVID safe plans
Building resilience
Dealing with aggressive staff, contractors or patrons
Links and References
Module 6 Assessment
Final Scenario Assessment
The Scenario
Scenario Assessment Questions
Additional Resources
Additional precautions - Signage for COVID-19
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